Jumat, 05 Juli 2024

Predicting Happiness Scores: Insights from the Indonesia Smart City Dataset with a Machine Learning Approach


The pursuit of understanding what makes people happy in urban environments has driven many researchers and city planners to explore various factors contributing to overall happiness. In Indonesia, a diverse and rapidly urbanizing nation, understanding these factors is crucial for creating smart cities that enhance the quality of life for their residents. This blog delves into predicting the happiness score of Indonesian cities and regencies using the "Indonesia Smart City" dataset, which encompasses various features reflecting urban life between 2022 and 2023.


The "Indonesia Smart City" dataset is a comprehensive collection of data features related to smart city implementations across various cities and regencies in Indonesia.

The year range for this data is between 2022-2023. The features in this dataset include:


  • id - City or Regency identifier
  • city_or_regency - Name of City or Regency
  • year - The year in which the data is recorded
  • total_area - Area of City or Regency (KM^2)
  • population - The Number of Residents in One City or Regency
  • densities - Density Level (Population/KM^2)
  • traffic_density - Categories for Traffic Density (Low/Medium/High)
  • green_open_space - Area of Green Open Space (KM^2)
  • hdi - Index of Human Development for Each City or Regency
  • gross_regional_domestic_product - Total Gross Value Added at Current Prices (Billion Rupiah)
  • total_landfills - Number of Landfills per City or Regency
  • solid_waste_generated - The amount of waste each City or Regency generated from various sources for a year (Tens of Tons)
  • happiness_score - Score to Measure The Level of Happiness for each city or Regency (0 - 100)

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